Tick-tock. Tick-tock.
Time is your ultimate asset. It doesn't equal money, it equals life—and you've only got one life to live it right. We're all battling something inside, but here's the deal: it's your job to inspire and uplift those around you. Whether through code or creativity, you've got the power to spark something good. Nobody's better than you, but you're no better than anyone else either. Stay humble.
The comfort zone? Yeah, it's cozy, but nothing grows there. So, keep learning. Keep building. Haters? They'll show up when you dare to innovate. Block, move on, and keep leveling up. Your happiness? That's on you—don't wait for Friday or for someone else to give you joy. Make the most of today.
Be kind to your parents—they've sacrificed more than you know. Family first. You can have hundreds of followers, but it's meaningless if your family doesn't admire you. Don't fear what's unknown. Instead, fear knowing it all. Life's too short to play small. Do what you love, and do it now.
Tick-tock doesn't stop. So why should you?